A New Paradigm
of Cardiovascular Care
Karoo helps cardiology networks, health systems, and health plans transition to and succeed in value-based care.

Cardiovascular care is the #1 cost to our health system.
The current fee for service model incentivizes providers to maximize volume and throughput at the expense of clinical outcomes and patient satisfaction.

Cardiovascular care expenditure in 2022
Cardiovascular care expenditure by 2035 if we don't make a change
$1 Trillion
$450 Billion
Karoo combines dedicated on-site and virtual care teams with value-based technology to facilitate value-based initiatives that are sorely needed for improving patient health and lowering overall cost of care in cardiology.
Karoo Complete Hybrid Care Model
Improvements in healthcare outcomes driven by the right combination of people and technology.
Karoo Resources
Partner Resources
Karoo Koach

Care Technology
VBC Technology
Nurse Practitioner
Empowering Technology
Proprietary digital platform at the center of:
360-degree view of patient health
Patient communication and clinical data exchange
Actionable insights for success in value-based initiatives

A Better Patient Journey
A more complete, supported and streamlined care experience at every step

Typical Patient Journey
Karoo Patient Journey
Three days later awakened at home with severe shortness of breath
Cycle of disease condition continues
One week hospitalization, but lacking support, discharge instructions not followed
Missed follow-up appointment due to work
One month later develops numerous symptoms & 8 lb weight gain
Diagnosis of exacerbation of CHF

Cardiologist visit: follow-up for CHF
Patient readmitted within five days

Cardiologist visit: follow-up for CHF
Warm handoff and intro to Karoo Engagement Specialist
Karoo Koach completes initial assessment
Karoo Care Plan in action with wraparound support through Care Team and Karoo Technology
Early signs and symptoms of exacerbation identified, costly ER visit avoided; outcomes improve long term
Patient continues on with their life supported by the Karoo Care Program